Saturday, September 8, 2012

R.I.P Rosie: October 1998–September 2012

My beloved Rosie passed away this week.  She would have been 14 years old in October.


We took a trip to Montana for my 30th high school reunion in August and took the dogs with us.  Rosie didn’t react well while traveling, so we took her to the vet in Helena, where she was diagnosed with stage 5 lymphoma.  We decided to put her on prednisone to try to make her more comfortable in the time she had left.


Rosie liked to come up to the quilting room and lie at the top of the stairs, making sure that all who entered there had to pass inspection.


She was quite the character.  She knew how to get something she wanted by using her “I’m a cute puppy” look.

She could also look at my husband with one adoring eye, and give me the stink eye out of the other…all at the same time!  It was quite comical!


Rosie didn’t mind bath time, but she’d just as soon it didn’t drag out, either.


Rosie always kept us company no matter where we were in the house,  and she is greatly missed.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

Just blog hopping and came across your post about Rosie. Sorry for you loss - my Sadie will be 3 in october and looks very similar luv her dearly.

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