Saturday, September 15, 2012

I won!

DSCF5524Katie, from Katie’s Quilting Corner, celebrated her 50th podcast with a giveaway…and I won!  Check out her website and podcast, she’s a busy gal with lots going on, and willing to share her ideas.

My copy of Quilt Design Wizard arrived in the mail yesterday, and I was able to install it this morning.

I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, though, as I’m off to finish the border on my customer’s hexagon quilt feather-preview-reo(this is just a sneak preview), then run a quick errand before the home opener for Boise State football…Go Broncos!! 

After that, I need to move my exercise machine into my office, as my stepdaughter is coming for a week long visit and I’m just beginning to get into a routine again.

What a day that’s planned, huh!?!  And that only covers half the list!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend too.

1 comment:

Seefeel said...

Love that book ! :)

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