Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pre-Design Studio software!

Yesterday, I ordered a software package called Pre-Design Studio II!  It's a software package that allows you to create and print your own pantographs.  I saw it demonstrated at Innovations and was really impressed with it.

As wonderful as Adobe’s Creative Suite is, I've been struggling with it for this type of task.  I's simply been frustrating because there are so many options in each of the individual applications of that suite, I don't have enough training, and I don't even have the entire suite, further impeding my progress.

I'm hoping that because Pre-Design Studio is designed specifically for doing what I want to do, it will be a lot more straightforward and I'll get more accomplished.  I'll report back my findings when I get the software and hopefully I'll have a free design to offer my readers.  Hmmm…. maybe even a contest...?

Its big sister, Art & Stitch, is another package I've had my eye on but decided that I couldn't afford at this time.  Not only will it allow you to create and print pantograph's, you can digitize the designs for all current computerized quilting machines and embroidery machines.  So cool!!

Eventually, I'd like to become a certified teacher for both of these software packages so now I have another project on my hands!  One complaint I'll never have is being bored, eh?


Amy said...

I have some of the Adobe programs and there is definitely a learning curve. And it isn't cheap. I hope your new software will allow you to create the pantographs with ease.

Unknown said...

Me, too!

There is a free 30 day trial that you can download from their site, but it's not yet the latest version, which has the II in the name. I saw the demo and it has a lot of the same tools of Adobe, and I've taken a training class or two, but have never mastered it. Pre-design seems much more straightforward, I am hoping that isn't just wishful thinking!

Web Development said...

Hi friend,

how did you do with your software?

I just read you and think I am going to have a look at it.



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