Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Ending!

quilt-previewHave you ever had to call a customer to ask if you had their binding?  Or, if they gave it to you, what did it look like?

This is not the call you want to have to make, but when your deadline is looming near, it’s the best approach.  And the exact conversation I had with my customer tonight.  Can you say “embarrassed”?

This was not the call I wanted to make, but luckily I found the missing fabric, hidden inside a red bag that was in plain sight, while I was on the phone with her!

At least I got a few other piles cleaned up in the process!

The photo is just a tease, the photos will be posted when the binding is completed.  It’s beautiful, if I say so myself!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The “Columbian” Treadle – Chicago Sewing Machine Co.

You know what happens when you have too many machines?  You think you’ve told everyone about them all, when you really haven’t!
I got this treadle right before I went on vacation.  It’s called The Columbian and was made by the Chicago Sewing Machine Company.
I found trade literature from the Smithsonian website, which I'd seen before but never got further than I have tonight.  The former name of the company was Tryber & Sweetland Manufacturing Company, 1879-1882.  So I searched on that name which lead me to the SewMuse website:
Tryber and Sweetland became the Chicago Sewing Machine Company in 1875 and then were incorporated from 1882-1902.  They made 11 machine models (if you count the numbered models separately):
No’s 1 – 5, 7, 11
Chicago Low Arm Singer
Imperial High Arm
The Columbian
The Peerless
I still haven't found a manual, reference to any parts, or any other photos of similar machines.  If I can’t find an original part I’ll need to get something machined to fit over the shuttle in order to use it.
If any of these machines sound familiar to anyone, and you know of any resources, I'd appreciate that info.

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